Monday, 30 July 2012

Quitting Smoking : Why Women�s Health May Benefit More

There are a lot of reasons to quit smoking. We all know the life threatening reasons, but we don’t necessarily understand the the full impact that smoking has on our bodies and minds, and possibly even on others around us.

Women especially are susceptible to some of the more hidden dangers of smoking, and may actually benefit in different ways than men when it comes to smoking cessation.

For example , many women probably do not even know this, but lung cancer is now killing more women every year than breast cancer. That’s right, lung cancer is actually more deadly to a woman than breast cancer, which is by far more talked about in women’s health than lung cancer.

Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer since nearly 90% of all cases are traced directly to smoking, so it’s important that women really understand the health benefits of quitting smoking.

There are actually a lot more health issues that a woman needs to think about if she is a smoker as well. For example , most contraceptive pills carry warnings on them that the patient should not take the contraceptive birth control pill if she is a smoker.

Her risk of developing heart problems is greatly increased if she is smoking while on the pill, since smoking increases blood pressure, and the pill is known to also increase blood pressure. This creates a double hazard for heart issues.

Another concern may be for a woman’s children. Children many times can develop asthma and other types of breathing problems if the child is exposed to cigarette smoke at a young age. This is also a concern for men, since they are not exempt from this rule either!

There are also a myriad of other health problems, inconveniences and even just “cosmetic” reasons that a woman may want to consider smoking cessation in order that she may be her “best self”.

These don’t necessarily fall into the category of life threatening or imminent dangers, but they certainly can affect your quality of life, as well as your appearance, which is held in high regard in today’s aesthetically concerned society. These additional health and well being benefits to smoking cessation are as follows:

1 . ) Your skin is greatly affected by smoking, and not in a good way as you can probably imagine. As we age, our skin cell turnover tends to slow down. Smoking actually speeds the process of this slower turnover up, making us essentially age faster.

Add to this the fact that smoking essentially robs our body of oxygen and creates more free radicals, which are skin’s number one enemy and aging’s number one comrade, and you have a recipe for accelerated aging, and sagging, colorless skin.

Most women see a marked improvement in the tone, clarity and firmness of their skin just a few weeks after they quit smoking, especially if they were a heavy smoker.

2 . ) Your teeth and mouth will thank you. Smoking not only gives you bad breath, but it also turns your teeth yellow, or sometimes even brown from nicotine residue and tabacco staining.

3. ) Quitting smoking can greatly help with your mental state. What do I mean? I mean that smoking may seem at first like it is a relaxant, since it tends to immediately feel like it is relieving tension and anxiety once the cigarette is in your mouth and you begin to inhale. Contrary to this belief that cigarettes "calm" you, studies have shown that in the long run smoking actually increases anxiety.

We all know that depression and anxiety tend to go hand in hand, so quitting smoking may also greatly benefit a woman’s psyche.

4. ) No more coughing, weezing, and possibly even a reduction in allergies. If you quit smoking, chances are you will breathe a lot easier.

It takes a lot less time for your lungs to heal than you think. Studies have shown that even the most blackened smoker’s lungs have made full recoveries within just a few months after they have quit smoking.

Copyright 2006 Danna Schneider

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Quit Smoking Cigarettes Naturally For Life - Best Smoking Cessation Program

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Find Help To Stop Smoking Cigarettes

If you are in need of support to halt smoking cigarettes, there are a assortment of different places you can turn. From natural cease smoking cigarettes goods to stop smoking cigarettes antidepressant medications, there are numerous different ways to quit smoking. You may also join a quit smoking help association to get aid to stop smoking cigarettes, and multitudinous non-profit organizations also offer smoking free videos to supply additional quit smoking tips. No matter which process you choose, the most important aspect of trying to stop smoking cigarettes is the truthful desire to be smoke-free and well again.

A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

There are many prescription medicines that provide aid to stop smoking cigarettes. Quit smoking cigarettes antidepressant medications are becoming more and more popular as doctors realize that smokers tend to be more depressive than the rest of the general population. By treating these depressive symptoms while also reducing nicotine cravings, medication smoking stop treatment has proven to be highly productive in helping individuals to stop smoking cigarettes.

If you are wary of medication to assist stop smoking cigarettes, you might consider one of the natural stop smoking cigarettes products on the market today. There is a growing market for laser smoking cessation treatments and acupuncture cessation smoking methods. Both of these stop smoking cigarettes aids work to boost your endorphin levels, giving you a high of sorts that blocks some of the nicotine cravings that make people begin smoking again. These additional stop smoking cigarettes methods do not have much scientific research to back them up, but there are many individual reports that state that the laser smoking stop therapy worked in one or two treatment sessions.

A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood. General George S Patton

In addition to these commodities, you can also find aid to stop smoking cigarettes at your local grocery store or drugstore. Nicotine replacement stop smoking cigarettes aids provide smokers with a means to manage their cravings and to gradually diminish their dependence on nicotine. These stop smoking cigarettes products come in the forms of nicotine gum, the patch and a smoking cessation shot. All of these methods help to cut down a person’s dependency on nicotine, and they also lend a hand to reduce the symptoms connected with the nicotine withdrawal process. These symptoms can be somewhat severe if a individual stops smoking cold turkey. However , there are a variety of stop smoking cigarettes methods that make the process easier than it has ever been.

A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. Anthony Robbins

Even if you try to quit without the aid of medication or nicotine supplements, you will even need help to stop smoking cigarettes. This help can come in the form of quit smoking support groups, friends, family or co-workers. The more people you have supporting you on you voyage toward superior health, the better off you will be. You can also turn to any number of non-profit organizations to receive the help you need.

Thanks for taking the time to read this quit smoking article. You should continue researching for additional information to help you down the road to a smoke free life.

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How to Quit Smoking

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Stop Smoking - Overcoming this Physical and Psychological Addiction

Simply wanting to stop smoking is a large part of the battle to succeeding. Often knowing that cigarettes are destroying your health is not enough incentive. You don't want to think about all the health problems that smoking can cause.

After all, between the physical addiction to nicotine and the psychological addiction, the whole person, mind and body, is craving the next cigarette. With that strong pull encouraging you to the next smoke, the thought of getting cancer, having a heart attack, or hurting your unborn baby might not be enough to make you decide to stop smoking .

That your health doesn't deteriorate with the first cigarette encourages you to believe that smoking is not dangerous. Tobacco takes twenty to fifty years to damage your body with cancer or heart disease.

For a young person who is encouraged to start smoking at fifteen or seventeen that seems like a lifetime away. The sad thing is, by the time the damage is done it can be too late to quit smoking. They can end up dead of a heart attack at forty-five or dying of lung cancer at fifty.

How does one succeed in stopping the mind and body from continuing this addiction? You must deal with the body and the mind separately but at the same time. In other words, deal with the physical addiction with one technique and the psychological addiction with another technique all at the same time.

It's actually easier to deal with the physical addiction. There are patches, pills, and gums that you can use if you need them. Your doctor will be able to help you in this area by recommending products that can help your body lose the desire for a cigarette.

The psychological addiction is more complicated to overcome. Everyone would rather experience pleasure than pain, and trying to stop smoking will produce pain. To the smoker, cigarettes produce pleasure.

Some smoke to have something to do, or because they believe it will calm their nerves. They might associate smoking with a pleasurable experience, such as smoking with friends at the bar or while they play poker. They aren't smoking because they feel the need for the nicotine, but because they associate smoking with a good time.

So how does one overcome the psychological addiction? Some professionals suggest filling up the time you would normally be smoking with some other activity. The activity needs to be a positive one or it won't work.

Have the activities planned out. Know exactly what you are going to do in place of smoking and be prepared for it.

Include times of regular exercise, meditation and breathing exercises. Believe you can stop smoking and surround yourself with people who will encourage you to succeed.

Most importantly, get rid of the idea that life isn't worth living without cigarettes. That thought must not be allowed. Change that thought to "life is worth living without cigarettes. " Instead of thinking that cigarettes are good, replace the thought with something like "cigarettes are killing me. "

By changing your thoughts about cigarettes from positive to negative you will change your beliefs about them. When your beliefs change, then you lose the psychological craving for them and it's easier to stop smoking .

Click here for more information

How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes - Quit Nicotine Addiction Forever - Bobby Min

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Looking for an Easy Way to Stop Smoking? Take it easy!

Looking for an Easy Way to Stop Smoking? Take it easy!Social attitudes towards smoking have changed dramatically in the civilized countries for the past few years. All smokers are aware of these and are continuously looking for easy way to stop smoking, just like you! Smokers are thinning out gradually to become a lonely minority and they know that their habit is harming more people than just themselves thanks to passive smoke. Nearly all of them would want to have an easy way to stop smoking but it’s a rare thing to find someone have a strong will to quit smoking in one stroke and not slowly and steadily.What runs next is a list of effective but easy jobs to scrub off the habit. Remember the important ones and write down all of them. They can be hung on the facing wall of your room or put in the draw of your work station at office or home that you open more often. The important thing for all of them is to have patience – plenty of it. In addition, it is also important to consider them as ‘cool’ now and thus a change in attitude will be required as the base for all. It acts as a fertile ground for any habit to be shed – change in attitude and point of view. You will now be amazed to see so many easy ways to stop smoking. Throw away all cigarettes that are now handy to you, all lighters, match boxes and ash-trays. Drink lots of water, fruit juices, herbal teas or any other beverage that is not aerated in plenty. Keep yourself busy most of the time – occupy yourself in watching television or a movie everyday or completing house chores, talking to friends or colleagues more often, finding part-time work if unemployed and participating in voluntary work, joining church and helping there, etc. Play with something like a pencil or a pen in hand. Eat several small meals. If in spite of the above practices, when the urge to smoke hits, take deep breaths and hold for a few seconds. In fact regular pranayama (a particular posture of yoga) helps smokers discover an easy way to stop smoking.  After loyally following these routines, you will begin to feel better, look better by day and be surprised how simple it was to do something that you thought was insurmountable. Yes, there is an easy way to stop smoking- it begins by taking it easy
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